Is completely and utterly impossible. There are just too many people. I wake up everyday at 4:00 am, which is when the dogs (there are a gazillion stray dogs all over the city) start barking ferociously. Then the car horns start around 4:30 am. Usually the dogs have stopped barking by that point. Yesterday it was all accompanied by the sound of someone getting sick. Over and over and over. It sounded as though it was in my room. Today it sounded like someone coughing up a lung. The walls are quite thin. At 6:00 am, the neighbors TV turns on- loud enough for you to actually hear what is being said. This causes you to worry that the house is on fire- because the bedroom stinks of smoke. After two days of feeling the walls for heat, I've finally figured out that this is just the lousy air quality of the city. Promptly at 7:00 am (after struggling to sleep for the last 3 hours) a band starts playing. With a LOT of drums. In our backyard (or whatever you call the cemented area separating our building from another). It is the drums that finally make me get out of the rock hard bed.
Of course, those are just the sounds in the current, temporary apartment in Churchgate. At the guest house in Chowpatty, the dogs and cars were louder (the dogs must love hanging out at that beach), but there was no band. I would still wake up at 4:00 am, though. It will be interesting to see how long it takes me to sleep through all of the sounds. Or to give up and sleep in the ear plugs...
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